Episode 48: The Highs and Lows of Creating Your First Funnel

My youngest child, Mason, just started first grade, and at school, they’ve got classroom Stars of the Week. And just like Mason’s classroom, I LOVE featuring the stories of the people I work with in my boot-camp. I feel like every time I have a student on the podcast it’s their week to be a star!

That’s why I’m thrilled to have Build Your Funnel Boot-camp star student Chef Shelley on the podcast.

Chef Shelley has an interesting biz. She’s the chef and owner of Elegant Eats where she’s been a personal chef for going on 12 years. And you know what? Her story about how she became a personal chef is amazing.

She didn’t go to culinary school or get any fancy training. She’s got a passion and love for food and cooking and a deep determination to figure things out as she goes. Chef Shelley is truly a person who follows her instincts and doesn’t let excuses stand in her way.

In fact, she says that she became a personal chef when she got too old and tired to do catering and work in restaurants’ front of the house.

That’s the part I TOTALLY related to. She says by “old and tired” she means “had children.”

YEP, I get that.

If you have something you love to do — like Chef Shelley with her cooking — AND you’re ready to package up all your learning, all your insights, all your school of hard knocks lessons into a course to make it easier for others to do what you do, you’re going to LOVE this podcast interview.

 the marketing funnel show, marketing funnel, marketing funnels the marketing funnel show, marketing funnel, marketing funnels 

The Marketing Funnel Show, Marketing funnel, marketing funnels, funnel, funnelsBiggest Show Takeaways:

    • It can be a challenge for entrepreneurs who do their business face to face to translate that to online offerings but making the transition opens up a whole new audience.
    • Planning a large launch may not be the solution to every course; the time investment isn’t going to be realistic for everyone so a marketing funnel is a way to get your course in front of people without going all in for 6 to 8 weeks of your life
    • How did you benefit from Build Your Funnel Boot-camp?
      • One of the things I loved the most was that there are so many parts to the funnel, but when you have it completed, you can look at every single chunk and see what needs to be improved.
    • Was building your marketing funnel easy?
      • Nope! It was a ton of work, and it took a while to get it right, but the feeling now that it’s done is incredible. It’s such a huge relief, and now I can go back and look at it and see if anything needs tweaking. I now have time to focus on more important things in my business. I had an automated marketing sequence that was used for my cookbook but it was so broad.
    • What were some surprising things you learned through the process?
      • I thought I knew who my ideal client was. I had done worksheets and research, but it turns out I hadn’t gotten it quite right. Going through the materials in the boot-camp helped me figure out exactly what I needed to talk about. Understanding the five levels of customer awareness make me realize I was trying to target the wrong people. The Funnel Persuasion Playbook that I got as part of the boot-camp showed me how to take them through the levels and helped me understand that potential customers needed to go through a journey, and I wasn’t giving that to them.
    • What do you think other people need to know about building a great marketing funnel?
      • Assuming that you know exactly what your audience wants isn’t effective. I needed to go through this entire process of bootcamp with Michelle to understand who I was speaking to and what their challenges are. Now when I talk to someone who has concerns, I actually hear what they’re saying instead of automatically telling them what I think they need to hear.
    • Want to know which marketing funnel is right for you and your business? Take this free and easy quiz, and in less than 5 minutes you’ll know EXACTLY which funnel is right for you.

Links mentioned in this episode: