Archive Monthly Archives: July 2020

Episode 141: The Magnetic Proof Accelerator: Why You Need This

Proof is important online today because there are so many people who make big promises but don’t deliver the goods. So people want to know you’re the real deal before they invest with you.  Back in

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Episode 140: Managing Risk With Content Marketing Experiments

Pop quiz time! When’s the last time you ran a content marketing test? Today? Yesterday? Last week? Last month? Never?  Are you asking “what the heck IS a content marketing test”?  Well, you’re

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Episode 139: Being Inspired Without Being A Copycat: Know The Difference

Quick question — and you can be honest because no one is recording your answer — have you ever copied someone? If we are truly honest, ALL of us are guilty of being a copycat from time to time.  I

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Episode 138: Evolving as a Business Owner: How to go from Shaky to Stable

There’s a lot that happens on the journey to being a successful business owner, and I think it’s important to recognize what it takes to go from a shaky business owner to a stable business owner (which

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